Tuesday, 21 November 2017

6 Steps For Skincare Success

  1. Cleanse your skin daily
You should cleanse your skin on a daily basis - removing make up, dirt & the impurities that have built up throughout the day. If you don’t cleanse properly then all the dirt & grime will accumulate on your skin and it can result in break outs.

  2. Exfoliate weekly
It’s important to exfoliate your skin at least once a week (or twice depending on your skin type) as it removes dead skin cells, revealing a fresh new layer of skin. This stimulates the skin and also helps your moisturiser penetrate deeper into your skin.

  3. Use a clay mask regularly
They are an integral part of your routine as clay detoxifies the skin and works like a magnet drawing out all the impurities & cleanses your pores. I’d recommend using a clay mask just after you’ve exfoliated so the ingredients can absorb into your skin more easily.

  4. Always use an SPF
SPFs are essential to protecting your skin against the harmful effects of the sun. Look for ones that include both UVA 
(A refers to ageing) and UVB (B refers to burning), so it will protect it against both elements. Sun damage ages your skin, so it is important to use an SPF all year round. 

  5. Keep hydrated
Drinking water is vital for the skin as it helps to retain the moisture
and also provides the nutrients needed to maintain healthy skin. Drinking the right amount of water is one way to ensure soft and supple skin.

  6. NEVER pick your spots
As tempting as it is to pick your spots, it can really damage the skins surface by causing scarring. If you can’t leave them alone then use tea tree oil using a cotton bud to dab it on, use on a daily basis as often as you want. I swear by Bodyshop tea tree oil which I’ve been using for the past 6 years. After using tea tree oil for a few days, the spot dries up and it just flakes off without leaving any scarring. 

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