10 Things About Me
1. I'm named after my Dad's favourite actress, Italian film star Sophia Loren
2. My wardrobe is bursting with so much clothes that it doesn't close anymore
3. I have a bucket list of 100 things which I wrote when I was 17
4. My favourite colour is green, every shade is so pretty
5. I have psoriasis and I create my own creams made using natural ingredients
6. I enjoy swimming, I won a medal for it back in secondary school
7. I have adult braces because I was terrified of getting them when I was a kid
8. I love travelling, I visited 3 places last year - Dubai,Lanzarote
& Iceland and I went to Rome this year.
& Iceland and I went to Rome this year.
9. I have an odd allergy, I can't eat honeydew melons
10. I absolutely LOVE cats, when I feel sad I watch cat videos to cheer
me up and I want 3 kitties once I have my own place.
me up and I want 3 kitties once I have my own place.
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